Boot Fitting
complimentary for boots and blades purchased from iSkateOmaha
Blade Mounting
complimentary for boots and blades purchased from iSkateOmaha
Blade Sharpening
complimentary first time for boots & blades purchased from iSkateOmaha
Heat Molding
complimentary for boots purchased from iSkateOmaha
Edea Boot Shaping
complimentary for boots and blades purchased from iSkateOmaha
Boot Punch
$5 each
Boot Water Proofing
complimentary first time for boots purchased from iSkateOmaha
Rust Removal Treatment $10
Leather Sole Plugging $15
Edea Sole Carbon Plugging $30
So happy I don’t have to drive to KC anymore for my skating supplies! And it’s run by one of our own. – Paige Jackson
Awesome! So excited that we have something back here in the “big O”!!
– Jason R Chase